Jonathan is a bright, young up and coming actor from Toronto. He is completely devoted and dedicated to improving himself in all aspects of the performing arts. Growing up in an impoverished neighbourhood in Toronto, life was hard; but a sense of higher purpose would always linger him.

After coming to Canada, at less then a year old, Jonathan had to be raised by his single mother after his father had died. Growing up on the streets of Black Creek and Laurence was no easy task. Negative influences surrounded him, but fortunately his mother was there to instill the positive values needed to get ahead in life and be a good person. He felt like he could always escape with a simple film on the television or mimicking a character he has just seen. He eventually moved to Mississauga Ontario where he was first introduced into the performing arts in highschool.

Finishing off highschool in Oakville Ontario, Jonathan went to college in his home town of Toronto to study Law in the Police Foundations Program. After couple of years, he graduated and joined Toronto Police 22 Division. Learning and growing, he eventually decided it was not for him. A year passed as he searched a different path. At 21, he was fortunate enough to land a job that required him to travel all over Canada. Everything seemed to be in place, and as appreciative as he was, there was still a hole in his heart.

He dug deep down and asked himself who he wanted to be, not what but who. He went back to the passion he felt as a young boy, the one thing that could help him escape, the arts. He then began his career in acting and has never looked back.
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